The coronavirus is the unwanted virus present in more than 98% of cats, no matter the breed. Because kittens have a very sensitive digestive system, you may know when your cat excrete the virus. One of the immediate symptoms of the Corona Virus is diarrhea … and yes, the majority of domestic cats will secrete coronavirus without even a single loose stool!

Generally, and despite a few rare exceptions, the coronavirus will keep it’s enteritis form, the benign one, causing diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. The digestive form can turn out to be entirely asymptomatic but this is rather rare with our beloved kittens. The coronavirus normally “awakes” during times of stress, changes to the animal’s routine, or when it’s immune system is weakened. ( vaccines, surgery, stress etc…)

Usually, in its mildest form as enteritis, it’s important to know that the coronavirus can transform and mutates into feline infectious peritonitis also called FIP. Rest assured these cases are rare but here are some symptoms to be aware of:

Loss of appetite, fever, lethargy, weight loss, breathing difficulties, nephritis, ocular haemorrhages, tremor, convulsions or paralysis.

We recommend at all times to consult your veterinarian.

When the kitten owner performs a complete digestive PCR (a stool analysis), it is very common for the coronavirus to appear to be positive. Rest assured, your cat is simply in a period when he excrete it. You could do the same test a few weeks later and the results will be negative. You now understand better why the coronavirus is not properly understood by the general public, but know that your cat is not sick either. Adding probiotics to the diet will help the the gut with the good bacterias to  get back on track .

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